About Our Programs


Shumbashaba focuses on the value of learning through play and doing. The experiential learning programmes address personal development, life skills and informal academic needs of the participants. Many of these programmes are facilitated through the Eagala Model and others are facilitated using experiential and non-traditional methods for promoting and maximising learning. Areas of focus of these programmes include non- violent communication, moral regeneration, respect, positive problem solving and adaptive coping skills as well as the identification of strengths and talents.

Formalised broader skills development programmes are offered through collaborative partnerships, providing the skills addressed are identified as needs of the group; such as the educational programme specifically addressing caring for animals and the environment through a partnership with Roots and Shoots of the Jane Goodall Foundation.

Many of these programmes are integrated into and occur under the umbrella of the Shumbashaba youth development programme.

Youth development programme. 

This program is popular with the children and adolescents of Diepsloot and currently takes place on Saturdays from 9am – 2pm. As Diepsloot offers limited facilities and space, young people arrive at Shumbashaba in ever increasing numbers looking for meaningful and fun activities in a safe and nurturing environment.

What started off as a development equestrian vaulting program has grown into a community youth development program with the following objectives:
- Safe place for children and youth to be off the streets of Diepsloot
- Early intervention & prevention of substance abuse and crime
- Promote good citizenship
- Teach children positive life skills including non-violent communication, moral
regeneration and respect and tolerance for diversity
- Stop hunger
- Care for people, animals and environment
- Early intervention promoting physical, emotional and spiritual well-being

Because of limited resources we are restricted to running the program only on Saturdays during the government school term offering:
- Physical activities: soccer, cricket, yoga, cycling
- Drama, arts & culture
- Lego and reading for the little children
- Horse Appreciation: the horse provides an introduction to the sentient nature of animals and that by learning to care for another living being, the participants learn that they have value and are worthy of being cared for and treated with respect, compassion and love.
- Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots environmental education program
- Miscellaneous activities: carpentry, gardening, outside trips to festivals, tournaments, self-defence training, etc.

The programme is facilitated by young adults and parents from the Diepsloot community. This programme is truly a community programme now as all the leadership roles are taken by members of the community. 

A collaboration with Wot-If? Trust and Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots programme contributes to the significant positive impact this programme has on changing the lives of the participants for the better.

Feeding Scheme
We also collaborate with the ACT Foundation to provide a hot, nutritious meal to all the participants and volunteers of the Youth Development Program on Saturday. 

1.   Personal development programmes – Growing Great Generations


-       Personal growth, trauma recovery, mindfulness

-       Developing meaning and hope


-       Increased sense of self-worth

-       Improved psychological wellbeing

-       Youth friendly and accessible mental health support bridging gap in community

2.   Leadership programmes


-       Grow young adults into responsible citizens

-       Help young people realise their potential and believe in themselves

-       Identifying and developing interested participants to become leader figures to help organise and run youth development programmes.  


-       Responsible citizenship

-       Young adults who make a positive impact in their communities. 

3.   Life-skills programmes


-       Develop soft skills and computer literacy

-       Promote self-confidence

-       Enhance learning skills

-       Develop tools for problem solving


-       Increased literacy and personal competence

-       Increased self-confidence and sense of worth

-       Foster environment of learning